Wolf House Publishing

(credit for photo unknown)

If you are interested in having one of your articles showcased at:

The Pack Rat's Place of Books and Short Stories

please contact me at the email address given below.

I will return comment on your submission as soon as possible. Be patient, ... please. Only short stories, for online presentation, are being reviewed at the present time. Thanks.


The Pack Rat's Blues
Victoria Wolf

I confess, and all my close friends know, that I am a packrat, at least when it comes to: books, and pictures, and the broad open collectible category; and cards, and shells, seeds, shining things, and even string!. My daughter also complains that I collect commas!

No matter what technology comes up with, and recently it has quite amazed me ... nothing yet, has ever come close to the time traveling, psychologically stimulating experience of: fresh air on a calm night, a warm blanket, a good bed, an adequate reading light, and a good "can't wait to read"book. Books are at the very top of my material loves ... my collecting favorite.

Your own imagination will always carry you the farthest on your travels in space.

Stories that I have written, or that someone else wrote, that especially touched me, will appear at the The Pack Rat's Place ... as I find the time to upload them.

Please come back and see how we grow!


Loyal passed away a few years ago ... so very missed.

Loyal Wray has become one of my favorite authors. Why? Because of his ability to dream, ... dream up not only his very interesting characters, but the initial dream of his to become an author!

Congratulations Mr. Wray. I salute you!


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